Thursday, November 14, 2013

Germs, Quirks, and other forms of freakiness you need to know to become a super genius.
A super genius is seldom thought of for his great mind due to his overall normal appearance of a retard. Nevertheless, I will start with germs. Germs are everywhere. May 9th, 2013, was the day I began my handwashing routine. I had almost finished getting the trash, and was putting the leftover pizza away, without washing my hands. I was very nearly thrown into a vat of soap. And so ever since, I have continually been washing my hands. Trim is considered the cleanest thing in the house, and hands are occasionally wiped on it. Next, quirks. Quirks are something that has almost validated Mom and Dad's theory of me coming from another planet. I am afraid that my computer hard drive does not have room for the perpetual list of my quirks, one of which is currently germs.
But my personal quirks have included waving my hands, stuttering, repeating myself under my breath, never-ending thanks-for-telling-mes, maybe, maybe not, ... Another form of freakiness is the jerk, (used to avoid germs on the wing) and is occasionally used with the twitch.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Joe, you CRACK ME UP!!!!
    I'm the proud (and sometimes embarrassed) grandmother of a quirky super genius! I love you.
